West Coast Swing Class
General Information
Saturday September 28, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Lotus Room
Class size: 20
$20 for pre-registered students
$30 at the door
About the Course
West Coast Swing is a contemporary style of Swing, very different than what most people initially think of as "Swing". It is by far teh fastest growing social dance worldwide because of how ultra-cool it looks, its versatility and the variety of popular music its perfect for. This sleek, smooth, sexy, funky and challenging dance is versatile enough for blues. pop. R&B, country, jazz, disco, rock and many more genres of music. It's related and smooth body movements, playful improvisation and stretch give it a distinct look. Because of its incredible versatility, West Coast Swing will impress people on all types of dance floors.

Pre-registration Information
To pre-register, please contact "Bear":
email bearwh@paulbunyan.net
text 218-831-5458
Send your name and contact number with the subject "Register for West Coast Swing"
Your Instructor
Walter "Bear" Hartell